Join us this summer for Food & Art sessions from our amazing art tutors!

Take a look at our timetable below to see the fabulous range of classes coming this Summer! You can also read about further details of our activities each week below!

Funded by Department for Education’s Holiday Activities and Food Programme

Anyone who is eligible for Free School Meals can book a FREE FSM place, 8-12 years ONLY.

Please note, children aged 5-16 are welcome, however these places either must be paid for or supported by our Donate to Make a Difference scheme.

If you have been given a ‘Donate to make a Difference’ voucher at Slaithwaite food bank, click the D2MAD ticket type.

Paid places are £27.50pp, plus we have a discount for anyone booking siblings together, £50 for 2.

Before booking a space for your child, we politely request that you carefully read over the Privacy Notice from Kirklees Council about Holiday Activities and Food (HAF) Programme ‘Schools Out!’. This includes information about data being collected, how this information is used, data protection and more.

Take a look below at our week-by-week plan of fun arty activities!
Want to book a space? Press on the title of the activity to head straight over to our booking system!

  • MONDAY 22ND JULY - CLAY FLOWER BOWLS: Create petals from clay and make your own flower bowl.

    TUESDAY 23RD JULY - EXPRESSIVE MARK MAKING: Practice abstract paintings, think beyond the ordinary and explore lots of materials.

    WEDNESDAY 24TH JULY - CARD ANIMAL HATS: Make a hat, headdress or mask with a variety of materials!

    THURSDAY 25TH JULY - PAPER RAINBOW SEA ANIMALS: Use different materials and papers to make scales and features to construct your own sea animal or fish!

  • MONDAY 29TH JULY - CLAY TALISMAN / JEWELLERY MAKING: Create your shapes - we’ll add a hole for the string to go through to make jewellery!

    TUESDAY 30TH JULY - PICASSO-INSPIRED RELIEF PRINTING: Take inspiration from Picasso and practice printmaking!

    WEDNESDAY 31ST JULY - UPCYCLED CAPES: Let’s use old t-shirts and get stitching to make our own unique capes!

    THURSDAY 1ST AUGUST - RECYCLED LANDSCAPES: Use recycled materials to make your own landscape scene.

  • MONDAY 5TH AUGUST - CLAY SELF PORTRAIT: Use tools to create a self portrait on clay!

    TUESDAY 6TH AUGUST - MONO PRINTING: Use gelli plates and stencils to create your own abstract prints.

    WEDNESDAY 7TH AUGUST - CARDBOARD SCULPTURES:Let’s get building! By cutting shapes and slots, let’s see what we can make.

    THURSDAY 8TH AUGUST - PAPER COLLAGE: Get crafting to create fabulous paper collages.

  • MONDAY 12TH AUGUST - BEE FEEDER CUPS: Create pinch pots with a base to create bee feeder cups!

    TUESDAY 13TH AUGUST - MAKING MURALS: Let’s practice our collaging-skills as we create murals and look at how other artists have made theirs.

    WEDNESDAY 14TH AUGUST- MAKING WINGS: Design your wing pattern, cut fabric and use fabric paints as we make our very own wings.

    THURSDAY 15TH AUGUST - LOLLIPOP STICK BUILDINGS: Let’s craft using lollipop sticks! We’ll carefully construct our lollipop stick houses with glue!

Meet the art leaders