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Pumpkin Carving - Halloween Family Workshop

This family workshop is suitable for ages 5+

We supply the pumpkins and carving tools, you just need to turn up ready to carve a design!

We will have some examples out for you to copy, with step by step help sheets, or you can bring your own idea :)

Zoe & Kel will be around for the full workshop, doing fun Halloween Face Painting & Glittering for anyone who would like it, this is included in the price!

We have 2 times slots available, and the ticket price starts at £10 for a family of 2, then £20 for 4 ( 2 adults and 2 kids) then its an additional £5 per child. Each child will have their own pumpkin to carve, parents and carers -you need to stay with your children at all times. Tutors will demonstrate the best way to use the tools, and oversee the workshop.

27 October

Pumpkin Carving - Halloween Family Workshop

7 November

Kids After School Art Club 5-7 years