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Exhibition by Yorkshire Colourists

Opening Saturday 26th June and running till Saturday 24th July we are exhibiting a collection of work by Yorkshire Colourists. Viewing during regular Studio hours - Monday to Thursday, and Saturdays 10am to 3pm.

The Yorkshire Colourists are five artists living and working in and around the moorland regions of West Yorkshire. The rich tapestry of fields, staggered landscapes, rocky crags, rapidly changing light, cloudscapes, atmospheric colours, evocative surfaces, quarries, historical monuments and stone walls are distinctive features of this landscape and they inspire a variety of vibrant responses from the four individuals in this collective.

The work of these five artists is all highly distinctive, but all were brought together in their common aim to take direct influence from the elemental forces around them and from the world of colour and tone which they see in all quarters of life. They walk, write and sketch from the landscape, nature and wildlife and progress these studies further in their studios when developing a body of work for exhibition.

“Exhibiting and working together whether on a joint theme or individual project is inspiring and fosters camaraderie , friendship and a wealth of ideas” say the five.

Individually the artists offer dark brooding moors, tumultuous skies, evocative floating forms, harmonious rolling landscapes and wild, uplifting use of colour in a variety of subjects. Collectively they present a rich body of work that both stimulates and challenges.

We invite you to check our guidelines and guidance prior to your visit to ensure everyone has a safe experience.

19 June

Globe Gallery Garden Exhibition Launch

5 August

My Life is Amazing