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"Landmarks" 2 - Nests and other hidden gems w. Pippa Ashworth FEB '24

Join Pippa for this full day specialist workshop

learning drawing, painting and mixed media techniques!

Aimed more at the intermediate/ advanced learners, if you have been to one of Pippa's courses or workshops before, you'll know how fast paced they can be!

A mixed media workshop using the work of Jenny Grevatte  as inspiration.

The subject will be ‘Woods’.

We are going to create exciting papers using print , wax resist, paint and ink  as a background and collage papers.

During the day we will construct  pieces of work to create atmospheric woods and collections of trees that we will both collage and paint.

Although as always there is an element of experimentation, there will be plenty of guidance and support to help you achieve work you are happy with.

If you would like to come to this class please have look on You Tube at Jenny’s work to give you an idea of the of the direction I would like us to take.

Feel free to bring your own sketchbook and materials, but please note -
all materials, tuition and refreshments are included in the price.

There will be tea and coffee available throughout the day, and a 30 minute lunch break around 12.30pm, we are surrounded by cafes and shops, or bring a packed lunch along.

19 February

Intro to Jewellery Short Course w. Frances Noon

13 March

Stained Glass Decorations w. Zoe