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Jesmonite Plant Pots w. Kim Searle

Create your own miniature plant pots with artist and maker Kim Searle using a variety of geometric and recycled moulds.

Jesmonite was named material of the year 2017, have a go and see why! It's a versatile material that will create a different pot every time - you'll learn how to weigh it, mix it, add colours and textural effects to create a pot unique to you.

Pots can be made with pale pastels or vibrant colours, block colours or fantastic marbled effects.

You will get to try a type of Jesmonite that will set by the end of the session as well as another type that will set the next day and has a much more organic look.

Try this uplifting workshop with Kim, tickets are £45.00 for 1 person, or bring a friend and pay £75.00 together!

Are you booking this workshop as a gift for someone?
Press the button below to download & print a Gift Card to give to them!

3 February

Silk Painting with Zoe Gale

19 February

Intro to Jewellery Short Course w. Frances Noon